We need to start testing the code and automatically running those tests using continuous integration.

Looked at a review of PDF metadata extraction doc (mirrored here) from this blog.

Adding Travis-CI support: - Go to https://travis-ci.org/, select the + sign, click on project-renard https://travis-ci.org/profile/project-renard

  • Zaki: need to add gir1.2-gdl-3 package for docking UIs to Travis-CI package whitelist (issues are at project-renard/curie/issues/34 , travis-ci/apt-package-whitelist/issues/2700 , travis-ci/apt-package-whitelist/issues/2702 ).

Issues carried over from last week:

  • Stan: Show number of pages project-renard/curie/issues/21

  • Chirag: Deactivate navigation buttons at start and end of document project-renard/curie/issues/22